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News Articles

October 5, 2024; 3 Tishrei, 5785 Sponsored anonymously for the Refuah Shleimah of Yair Nissan Ben Sara

QUESTION: There is a food delivery app that delivers food for a certain charge. One charge is for the food itself, and one charge is for the delivery fee. The app works with many restaurants – including Kosher ones. The app’s policy states that if an order is filled incorrectly, there is no charge for the food (but there is still a delivery fee).  

Once, “Rachel” ordered an Açai Bowl from a Kosher restaurant through the app and asked them to leave out the coconut shreds. The restaurant made a mistake and failed to remove the coconut ...

September 28, 2024; 25 Elul, 5784 Sponsored anonymously for the Refuah Shleimah of Yair Nissan Ben Sara

 The height of the golden era of the healing baths of Marienbad was in the late 1800’s and lasted until the Second World War. Many famous people used to visit this resort town including King Edward VII of England, Emperor Franz Josef I of the Astro-Hungarian empire, Alfred Nobel, Rudyard Kipling, and LeHavdil, the great Mashgiach of the Mir Yeshiva, Rav Yeruchem Levovitz ZT”L among other Gedolim.

Rav Yeruchem, who in all probability suffered from an undiagnosed brain tumor, used to visit Marienbad during the offseason to provide relief from his intense pain and headaches...

September 21, 2024; 18 Elul, 5784 Sponsored anonymously for the Refuah Shleimah of Yair Nissan Ben Sara

QUESTION: We are making a birthday party for my mother, who Bli Ayin Harah is in her mid-nineties. We want to invite all of her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and all of their spouses. However, my mother is from the old country and does not like us to spend money on her. She is comfortable with us paying for the party food, but we know that she will likely get agitated if she knows that we also spent money on a hall which we will need to fit all of the guests. Can we lie about the hall and say that we rented it for free to avoid agitating her?...

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