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News Articles

April 29, 2021; Iyar 17, 5781

Halacha – Jewish Law Question: May one deceive a friend for the opportunity to perform a Mitzvah? Answer: The Sha’arei Teshuvah (Orach Chaim, Section 482) quotes the Igeres Shmuel who says that Boaz saw through a prophesy that the lineage of Ruth would produce descendants that would lead to the kingship of David. Boaz desired to perform levirate marriage (Yibum) with Ruth to obtain the merit of becoming the progenitor of this most distinguished lineage. However, there was a next of kin to Ruth who was in line to perform Yibum ahead of Boaz. To discourage this next of kin, Boaz deceptively denigrated Ruth by calling her “the Moabite” (even though she had already converted to Judaism) when speaking about her to the next of kin, hoping he would decline to perform the Yibum. Indeed, that is what happened. The next of kin declined, and Boaz was now permitted to perform Yibum and merit to be the father of the lineage that would lead to the kingship of David...

April 22, 2021; Iyar 10, 5781

Halacha – Jewish Law Question: A buyer purchases merchandise from a store and asks his friend for an opinion of the purchase. Upon examination, the friend believes the buyer overpaid for the merchandise. What should the friend say to the buyer? Answer: The Gemara (Kesuvos 16b-17a) says: “Our Rabbis taught: How do we celebrate and praise a bride? Bais Shammai says we praise her as she is. Bais Hillel says that we tell her that she is a charming and beautiful bride. Bais Shammai said to Bais Hillel, perhaps the bride in question is lame or blind? If so, how would we be able to say that she is beautiful and charming, the Torah says to “distance yourself from falsehood”? Bais Hillel said to Bais Shammai, according to your opinion, if a buyer purchases merchandise that is of poor quality, should the friend denigrate it or praise it? We should praise it, as the Sages say: “A person should seek to get along with people.”...

April 15, 2021; Iyar 3, 5781

Halacha – Jewish Law

Children in a Motel Room: Many motels have rules regarding how many children are permitted to stay with their parents in one room. When planning a trip, my wife and I expected four children to join us. So we told the motel that we would like one room for two adults and four children. The hotel reserved the room for us without

incident. At the last moment, a fifth child wanted to come with us. Am I obligated to tell the motel that now we have five children staying in one room with us? The hotel never said that there is a 4 child limit per room? Perhaps now they may make us reserve a second room? ...


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