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Weekly Newsletter Volume 4, Issue 37

July 13, 2024; 7 Tammuz, 5784 Sponsored anonymously L’Ilui Nishmas Sara Eidel Bas Mordechai

In Israel, there is a property tax called “Arnona”. It is a tax imposed on the residents of a municipality for the purpose of financing the operations of the local authority. The main criteria for the amount of property tax that one must pay are: (1) The use of the property (residential, commercial, offices, etc.), (2) the particular area in which the property is located, and (3) the income level of the resident. Parenthetically, there was a different tax called Arnona mentioned in the Talmud which was imposed by the Roman Empire. However, the property tax that we are referring to was first introduced during the British Mandate in 1934...


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