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Weekly Newsletter Volume 5, Issue 14, Parshas Va'era

January 25, 2025; 25 Tevet, 5785 Sponsored anonymously for the Refuah Shleimah of Yair Nissan Ben Sara

When Rabbi Meir Shapiro ZT”L (1887-1933) was establishing his famous Yeshiva in Lublin in the late 1920s, he traveled extensively to raise funds for his ambitious project. During one fundraising trip to Belgium, a wealthy donor offered to make a very large contribution, but with one condition - that the Yeshiva be named in his honor.

Despite desperately needing the funds to complete the building, Rabbi Shapiro declined the contribution.  He explained that he could not name the building after the donor even if he made the large contribution, because many smaller donors had already contributed, often giving beyond their means...


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